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July 24, 2003
6:30 P.M. Memorial Hall
Town Hall, 1196 Main Street
MEMBERS PRESENT:  Kimberly Ferguson Nancy Rocheleau, Robert Ricker, Joanne O’Brien, Sharon McManus, Peter Brennan


STAFF:  Pamela Harding, Town Planner

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Andrew Liston, of engineering firm Thompson Liston Associates was present representing Crescent Buildings.  The applicant was before the Affordable Housing Committee to present various possibilities for the construction of a Comprehensive Permit for property located on Fisher Road consisting of approximately 10 acres, 4 of the 10 acres are wetlands.  The property is located approximately 750 feet from the intersection of Salisbury Street on the southern side and referred to as Map 243 Parcel 17.   The location is zoned R-40 and the applicant can create six single family homes under conventional zoning. 

The applicant presented a plan with one structure containing 170 units.  The applicant was willing to have the units as sale or rental with a mixture of 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms, they also stated that they were willing to place an age restriction on the property for fifty five and older. 

The applicant then presented a 57 unit condominium complex on the six acres. 

Members in the audience stated that they felt the development was too dense for the neighborhood and expressed concerns over environmental impact on their properties and the result of the increased runoff would have on their septic systems.

The Committee informed the applicant that 57 units on 6 acres was too dense of a development for the type of neighborhood and thanked them for coming to the meeting. 

Peter Brennan questioned the applicant regarding a rental project that was being constructed in Shrewsbury, he asked how many units there were and how many were affordable. 

Putnam Lane Lots- Kim Ferguson disclosed that she was an abutter of the property and did not partake in the discussion. 

The Committee invited habitat to the August meeting to determine if it was permissible to offer the homes to Town Employees Town Resident and to keep the homes affordable in perpetuity. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.